Hermes poaches UBS director for fixed income team

Joining as director for private debt

Anna Fedorova
clock • 1 min read

Hermes Investment Management has hired former UBS director Carina Spitzkopf as a director for private debt in its global fixed income team.

In her new role, she will be based in London and work across the private debt platform, taking the headcount of the global fixed income team to 27. Spitzkopf will help to develop the Hermes business globally within the private debt market, providing in-depth company analysis, industry due diligence reports and comprehensive financial modelling. Before joining Hermes, she was a director for UBS, where she covered leverage finance risk and portfolio management of the firm's leveraged loan book in EMEA. Prior to this, she also held leveraged finance, credit and risk roles at Barclays,...

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