Chamberlayne: Disney integral to sustainable society

Looking to entertainment stocks for greener returns

David Brenchley
clock • 2 min read

Janus Henderson Investors' Hamish Chamberlayne believes Walt Disney "is a really important ingredient to a sustainable society" having bought into the stock early in 2019.

Chamberlayne told Investment Week the £943m Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity fund is "trying to cut through the perception that sustainability funds are just wind and solar". While the 18-year-old offering has "plenty of the more traditional type of sustainability holdings", it has recently been finding less obvious opportunities in its 'quality of life' theme. These include both media conglomerate Disney and athleisure firm Adidas, which were added earlier in the year. "Entertainment and leisure are extremely important societal goods," Chamberlayne said. Sustainability...

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