When your job is not just beach anymore

End of the road for Woodford?

Eve Maddock-Jones
clock • 2 min read

While most of us in the UK would give a lot to see some semblance of sunshine and sandy coastlines right now, former Jupiter CEO Andrew Formica has grown tired of the eternal beach life already.

The Aussie native stepped down as CEO in October last year, with plans to return home and "sit at the beach and do nothing". That was until Wednesday, when he resurfaced at Australian fund house Magellan Financial Group as a non-executive director. His return came the same day his replacement CEO Matthew Beesley sat down with our editor, James Baxter-Derrington, to discuss the current state of Jupiter's affairs and where the fund group goes from here. United in confusion Joined by head of equities Kiran Nandra-Koehrer and head of fixed income Matthew Morgan, who split the CIO role,...

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