Schroders pan-European equity research head moves to Cazenove Capital

Harry Jack joins

Cristian Angeloni
clock • 1 min read

Schroders’ head of pan-European equity Research Harry Jack is set to transfer to Cazenove Capital in June and take on the role of portfolio director.

In his new role, Jack will report to global head of Schroders Family Office Service Clare Anderson. Jack started his career at Schroders in 2005 as a fund manager assistant. He went on to work as an analyst, first on UK equities then on pan-European equities, before being promoted to co-head of pan-European research and then becoming the sole head in 2019. Schroders Wealth Management appoints Clare Anderson as global family office head Anderson said: "Harry Jack's extensive experience and expertise in the European equities sector at Schroders, spanning 19 years, makes him a valuabl...

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