Revealed: SharingAlpha's top rated funds in June

Offerings from Jupiter and GAM

clock • 1 min read

Fund selectors using the SharingAlpha platform have unveiled their favoured funds in June, including offerings from Jupiter, GAM and Lindsell Train.

Described by founders Oren and Yuval Kaplan as "Morningstar meets TripAdvisor", funds on the SharingAlpha service are assessed based on the average rating provided by fund selectors worldwide using qualitative parameters. Factors considered include fees, capacity and active share, instead of focusing solely on historical performance.  The service covers 70,000 funds which are listed in 73 different countries. Scores are calculated from the average rating given by the different raters, with a higher weighting given to ratings by fund selectors with a higher SharingAlpha Ranking of t...

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