Key Jupiter managers set for £140m windfall


Jupiter's six most senior fund managers are set to own a stake worth about £140m following the asset manager's IPO.

Anthony Nutt, Philip Gibbs, Alex Darwall, John Chatfeild-Roberts, Ian McVeigh and CEO Edward Bonham Carter hold the largest individual stakes in the group, currently owning more than 31% of the company. Initial share sales could reap the managers between £43.5m and £79.2m. Assuming a 180p per-share mid-point of the global offer, the managers' stake will drop to 17.63%. Nutt, the Jupiter Income fund manager, will hold the largest stake at 4.9% - worth nearly £39m at the mid-point price. Financials manager Gibbs will hold a £27.2m position, while Bonham Carter's stake will be worth almo...

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