Chatfeild-Roberts: 'We all have to pay' whatever the Election result


John Chatfeild-Roberts, the Jupiter CIO and head of the Merlin multi-manager team, believes while all election scenarios are a possibility, the UK will be forced to accept some harsh fiscal action whatever the outcome.

Speaking to the FT, Chatfeild-Roberts says despite the current headlines, the market's response to the Election result is likely to be muted. John Chatfeild-Roberts: I cannot help thinking the UK stock market may move very slightly on an election result but actually what is much more important is what is going on in the global economy. I think policy action has to come whoever wins and whatever coalitions may come to pass. I have to say I really do think we all have to pay - we have had a party for the last 10/15/20 years based on leverage, based on rising property values and we have...

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