Odey Asset Management sees profits soar to £40m

Crispin Odey’s profit share increases tenfold

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Odey Asset Management saw its profits increase to £39.7m in the year to 5 April 2021, up from £8.3m the previous year, with Crispin Odey's share increasing tenfold, according to its annual report.

Over the same period, income generated by the firm's performance fees rocketed from £896,000 to £39.8m. As a result, founding partner Crispin Odey - the firm's member who receives the largest entitlement to profits - saw his share increase by ten times to £15.6m from £1.5m the year before. The value of Odey Asset Management's investment in funds also skyrocketed, increasing to £6.5m as of 5 April 2021, up from £971,000 the year before. Odey Asset Management closes Odyssey fund Management fees, on the other hand, decreased slightly, dropping from £27.9m to £16.9m. As of April ...

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