Chris Cummings discusses sanction development and economic warfare

IA heavily involved

Kathleen Gallagher
clock • 4 min read

When the tanks rolled into Ukraine almost two months ago, the world was rocked and several governments across the world quickly turned to 'economic warfare'. Indeed, even prior to the invasion, the Investment Association was called into Downing Street to discuss what role the asset management community might have in this style of warfare.

Investment Week spoke to Chris Cummings, chief executive of the IA, about the sanctions process, what next for the industry and potential ripple effects. "This is one of those times where when people say to me: does the government listen to investment management?" the chief executive began in a call in late March. The answer in this situation was a resounding 'yes'. The fog of war: Lasting implications of Russia-Ukraine conflict The first set of UK sanctions associated with the crisis were imposed at the end of February and included travel bans, asset freezing of three Russian o...

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