Election 2010: Leaders scrap over economy and tax cuts


David Cameron appeared to have come out top in the last and most crucial of the TV leaders' debates in which he accused Labour of failing to significantly improve the country's economy.

Early polls following the debate suggested Cameron comfortably ahead of his rivals, with ComRes placing the Tory leader on 35%, Nick Clegg on 33% and Gordon Brown trailing on 26%. YouGov for the Sun had Cameron on 41%, Clegg on 32% and Brown on 25%, and AngusReed had Cameron on 36%, Clegg on 31% and Brown on 23%. Brown was quick to move on from his embarrassing gaffe earlier in the week in which he was picked up by a microphone describing a voter as a bigot following her questions about immigration. "There is a lot to this job, and as you saw yesterday, I don't get all of it right. Bu...

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