Allianz GI's Gergel takes profits from large caps to boost mid-cap exposure

Reintroduced British American Tobacco and Imperial Brands to portfolios

clock • 3 min read

Allianz Global Investors' Simon Gergel has been adding to companies further down the market-cap spectrum, while taking advantage of the uncertainty caused by Brexit.

The chief investment officer and portfolio manager of the £663.5m Merchants Trust and the £49m Allianz UK Equity Income fund said he has recently bought industrial name Keller and construction and materials company Tyman. With Brexit in mind, Gergel said while on the one hand he has sought global companies "that just happen to be quoted in the UK", their global revenues shielding them from any fallout surrounding the UK's exit from the EU, he has also been finding more domestically-focused companies where valuations have come down amid negative sentiment towards the UK, such as ITV, whic...

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