Andrew Neil: Cold war will be the new normal of the 2020s

'Markets will need to get used to this'

Natalie Kenway
clock • 6 min read

The deteriorating relations between the US and China are not a trade war, but the early phase of a cold war that will be the theme of the 2020s, warned renowned broadcaster and journalist Andrew Neil at the Investment Week Conference 2019.

He said although the trade war has been cited as one of the biggest threats to global growth - and one that could force the world economy into recession - it is actually a theme investors are going to have to get used to as a "price of doing business in the markets today". "I do not think many investors have grasped this yet," Neil said. "This is not a trade war between the US and China. It is true that trade is one of the weapons, perhaps the crucial weapon in this cold war.  "But it is not a trade war. It is a war for technological dominance in the 21st Century, between the US and C...

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