Hargreaves secures discounted share class for Woodford's new fund

Anna Fedorova

Hargreaves Lansdown has secured what it says is the cheapest share class in the market for Neil Woodford's new fund, selling the investment star's fund for 60bps.

The UK's largest broker has announced it will offer the CF Woodford Equity Income fund at 60bps to its Vantage clients, a full 15bps below the standard unbundled share class. HL's clients will invest in a version of the fund which has a discounted 65bps annual management charge, and in addition receive an annual loyalty bonus of 5bps, bringing the overall annual cost down to 60bps. However, the discount seems far less significant when taking into account the total cost of ownership (TCO), with the additional platform fees added onto the price. HL charges its Vantage clients an annu...

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