Woodford eyes deal to buy large caps from Invesco income funds


Neil Woodford is considering opening talks with his former firm Invesco Perpetual about a private multi-billion pound deal to bring across his old stakes in the country's largest stocks, and avoid creating havoc in their share prices.

Investment Week understands Woodford and his former colleague Mark Barnett - who has succeeded him on the Invesco income funds - may carry out an off-market deal which would see Woodford's new fund buy up his old stakes in FTSE 100 giants. A deal would be good news for clients as it would avoid a spike in volatility for many of his favourite stocks. Billions of pounds are expected to leave the Invesco funds and head to the country's most popular fund manager over the next few weeks as the offer period opens on the new CF Woodford Equity Income fund. However, the shift of a huge amo...

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