Tigue to step down from £2bn F&C trust


Jeremy Tigue is to step down from the £2.4bn Foreign & Colonial trust as he prepares to retire at the end of the year.

Paul Niven takes over at the helm on 1 July 2014 as Tigue (pictured) prepares to retire from the group after 33 years, including 17 years managing the trust.  Niven is head of multi-asset investment and chairs the group's asset allocation committee. He has worked closely with Tigue for almost a decade, and has experience running large portfolios, the group said. F&C said a £1,000 investment made in the trust at the time of Tigue's appointment would now be worth £3,215 with dividends reinvested, while he has grown the trust's dividend every year of his tenure. "We are confident Paul...

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