20 questions on the 1980s... the IW Christmas Quiz


Test your knowledge of pop culture and business trivia from the decade that brought you parachute pants, power shoulder pads, and Pac Man....it's the Investment Week Christmas Quiz.

1. To the nearest 50, how many points higher was the S&P 500 from its starting level of 107.26 by the end of the decade? 2. How much money did American Airlines claim to have saved in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class? 3. Who shot JR? 4. What was the exact date of Black Monday in 1987? 5. Which space shuttle had its maiden voyage in August 1984? 6. Discovery Michael Lewis is the author of which 1989 book about Wall Street traders? 7. What piece of common office stationery was introduced in 1980? 8. Which 80s entrepreneur built his publi...

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