Evershed: Duffield withdrew sweets for poor performance


Patrick Evershed has claimed his former boss John Duffield bullied and humiliated New Star staff including withdrawing an offer of sweets from managers having a bad period of performance, according to his witness statement lodged with an employment tribunal today.

In the document, Evershed said he believed the "much publicised demise of New Star was as a direct result of founder, John Duffield's bullying, his interference with the way in which the fund managers managed their funds and his refusal to take on board anyone's advice". "He (Duffield) would prowl around the floor on a regular basis with his jaw jutting out and emitting growling sounds and call us "morons" and "criminals". "He knew how each fund was performing each hour and he would compare our performance against each other in such a way as to cause distress to those who had had a ba...

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