'No fundamental changes' to process as Brunner continues to look long term

Aiming for continuity following Macdonald's exit

David Brenchley
clock • 4 min read

Allianz Global Investors' Matthew Tillett has promised no fundamental changes to Brunner Investment Trust's investment process since the departure of Lucy Macdonald, as the new management team aims for continuity.

The head of Allianz GI's global equities team Macdonald left the firm in May, handing responsibilities for the £338m Brunner IT over to Tillett, who has been deputy manager since 2016. Tillett is being supported by Jeremy Kent, who worked within Macdonald's team previously, and Marcus Morris-Eyton, a member of AllianzGI's European growth team. Tillett told Investment Week there would be no fundamental changes to the trust's dual mandate of providing capital growth through a quality biased portfolio while delivering a yield in line with the market that grows ahead of inflation over tim...

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