Anthony Rayner: Why UK investors should beware 'Brexit blindness'

Political uncertainty high throughout Europe and the US

clock • 3 min read

It is easy to assume the Brexit vote - and the related political and economic uncertainty - means UK equities should be a no-go zone for the short to medium term, but Miton's Anthony Rayner says this misses the wider picture.

As global multi-asset investors, we cannot afford to be too UK-centric and we try to look at events from a number of different angles. If we just read UK media, we could easily believe the UK is blighted by extreme political risk. The UK does not operate in a vacuum, however, and while political uncertainty has undoubtedly risen, it has also risen in continental Europe - arguably more so - and in the US. This is far more relevant to global risk. Brexit aftermath: Which funds were the winners and losers? Europe has solved very few of its problems. The refugee crisis remains, with its v...

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