Why it is time to pile into FTSE 100 ahead of 'Santa Rally'

OCM goes overweight UK blue chips


OCM Wealth Management's CEO, Jason Stather-Lodge (pictured), explains why he is going overweight the FTSE 100 ahead of the Christmas period.

A recent Bank of America study showed investors have increased their equity allocation to a six month high in recent days, prompting many to assume that equities will have a good end of term as we head into the New Year. If we look at the statistical significance of the market saying of 'Sell in May and don't come back until St Ledgers' Day', 2015 saw a move of 13.5% for the FTSE 100 [during this period]. The much fabled 'Santa Rally' statistically also holds some significance: equities have wrapped up the year with gains on all but five occasions since 1988, with December posting th...

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