WisdomTree launches multiple share classes for UCITS ETFs

Expanded to offer sterling, Swiss franc and euro exposure

Daniel Flynn

WisdomTree has launched additional share classes for three of its currency-hedged UCITS ETFs to help investors manage currency exposure within portfolios.

Multiple share classes have been added in Europe's major currencies - sterling, euro and the Swiss franc - on the WisdomTree's Japan Equity UCITS ETF, Europe Equity UCITS ETF, and German Equity UCITS ETF.  The ETFs will also now be offered on both a hedged and an unhedged basis. Hector McNeil, co-chief executive at WisdomTree Europe, said: "Following the launch in May of these flagship currency hedged ETFs, investor demand has led us to bring increased choice and flexibility to European investors. "This increased range of new currency hedges and unhedged share classes fit into the ...

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