JM Finn man joins Hargreave Hale after legal dispute


Hargreave Hale is to open a York office after the hire of three investment managers - including a JM Finn employee who became involved in a legal dispute with his former firm.

The discretionary manager and stockbroker has appointed Tom Holliday and Jim Mersey-Thompson from JM Finn, both of whom will work in the new office. Holliday quit JM Finn in July 2013, but was prevented from a quick start at Hargreave Hale when his former employer successfully applied for an injunction to enforce a 12-month period of gardening leave. He brings 25 years of investment experience to Hargreave Hale, having previously worked as a private client manager at Singer and Friedlander. Mersey-Thompson, meanwhile, has worked in the industry for the past decade. The firm has als...

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