Newton's Shelton: 'Post-accident, there are many things I can't do, but I still love being a fund manager'

Osprey fund open to wider audience

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Newton's Robert Shelton tells Lawrence Gosling how he has adapted his working life to fit around his physical constraints, while the mental challenges of investing are still providing inspiration.

Early mornings are something of a given in the investment world; a routine dictated by the demands of 24-hour financial markets. But few face the prospect seven days a week of the equivalent of a punishing three-hour circuit training session to get their bodies into shape for the day ahead. This is the schedule now followed by Newton's Robert Shelton, who many will remember from the 1990s when he ran the group's £1bn Income fund. Some will also know his career was interrupted in March 2002 by a horrific car crash that left him paralysed from the chest down. A couple of years later in ...

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