Yes, it's the anniversary of the Mini Budget

23 September

clock • 3 min read

At the beginning of the week, former prime minister Liz Truss came out and vehemently defended her brief spell at the top, once again blaming nebulous, nefarious beings for why she didn’t succeed.

The ‘Blob' had apparently taken issue with her attempts to rear, fatten and slaughter the pig on market day, and the overambition of Truss and then-chancellor Kwarteng was the only reason the Mini Budget failed. But Truss refuses to let such technicalities such as being nowhere near the corridors of power prevent her from dictating economic policy. Guess that chart During the same speech, she called for a raft of tax cuts, which this morning were cruelly denied by what we must assume is the leader of the left-wing economic establishment, Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer Jer...

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