155-year old trust Investment Company weighs options to wind up

Small size and illiquid shares

Valeria Martinez
clock • 2 min read

Investment Company, a 155-old trust with £14m in assets, is weighing up options to wind up and return cash to shareholders if it does not find a “credible” opportunity to grow and increase its liquidity.

"The threats to our capital are more visible now than they were in 2020, as are the challenges of trying to excel as a small investment trust," chair I R Dighé wrote in a statement published on the London Stock Exchange on Monday (20 February). "We are also conscious of the illiquid nature of the company's shares and the resulting challenges our shareholders face in realising the true value of their holdings in the market." The board said it is actively considering options to grow and increase the liquidity of the company, which could include a merger with another trust. In the meanti...

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