Montanaro unveils fee offer for seed investors in Equity Income fund

Anna Fedorova

Small-cap boutique Montanaro is offering seed investors the opportunity to allocate to its Equity Income fund at a zero management fee until it reaches £100m in size.

The fund, which is currently £71m, will allow seed investors to access the product with no management fee and an OCF of 0.10% until it grows to £100m. After this point, investors will pay an AMC of 0.25% on top of the OCF (which may be lower than 10bps as the assets grow) until the fund receives another £50m in inflows. Seed investors, those invested prior to the fund reaching £150m, will then only pay 0.25% p.a. in perpetuity. For other investors, after the fund reaches £150m a new share class will be launched with an AMC of 0.75% and no performance fee. Charles Montanaro (pict...

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