Mobeus, NVM and Baronsmead discuss robust VCT market


Mark Wignall from Mobeus Equity Partners, Andrew Garside from Baronsmead and Tim Levett from NVM Private Equity discuss the latest VCT trends with Alice Murray.

The VCT industry raised an impressive £435.7m in the 2013/14 tax year, according to the latest figures from the Association of Investment Companies. This represents an 8% uptick on the amount raised the previous year, and is the third highest level ever of annual funds raised. Of this impressive sum, around £120m was raised by just three VCT managers: Mobeus Equity Partners, NVM Private Equity and Baronsmead (managed by Isis Equity Partners). In the video above, the heads of these houses - Mark Wignall of Mobeus, Tim Levett of NVM and Andrew Garside of Baronsmead - discuss why fundrai...

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