DWS adds non-US MSCI World ETF to Xtrackers range

‘Balanced diversification’

clock • 1 min read

DWS has expanded its Xtrackers range with a UCITS ETF tracking the MSCI World index, excluding the US equity market.

Xtrackers MSCI World ex USA UCITS ETF caters to investors seeking global equity exposure, but who would like to separately allocate to the US market. The fund comprises companies from 22 industrialised countries and reflects around 30% of the global market. It also reinvests the income from the companies it contains. DWS slashes fees on two Xtrackers India ETFs to 'simplify access' Countries such as Canada and Israel are not usually covered despite the corresponding portfolio components for these regions, but they are included in the ETF. Simon Klein, global head of Xtrackers sa...

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