Lawyer of alleged Odey victims calls on FCA to ringfence Odey AM assets


Cristian Angeloni
clock • 1 min read

A lawyer representing two alleged sexual assault victims of Crispin Odey has written to the Financial Conduct Authority, asking the regulator to ringfence Odey Asset Management assets.

Jill Greenfield, partner at law firm Fieldfisher, has been instructed by two women to file civil claims against Odey and pursue damages related to sexual assault allegations. Second sexual assault civil claim filed against Crispin Odey She wrote to the FCA to ask for further restriction on the asset management firm's assets, to ensure money would be available for any potential redress, which may be awarded to the alleged victims. She explained she wanted to ensure Odey AM retains enough funds to cover any potential redress the claimants may be awarded in either civil or criminal pr...

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