Hermes' Nusseibeh: I'm worried because I'm the only one worrying

Could we experience a trade war at the same time as a recession?

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There is something worrying me about the market at the moment: no one seems to worry to the same extent as me.

The way the market seems to be perceiving risks appears out of kilter with what might easily transpire. True, there is some concern about an impending global trade war, but it appears limited, as if many believe the current tension will resolve itself with little negative fallout. Perhaps some imagine that President Donald Trump is simply using hyperbolic language, or that he is using a negotiation technique of pushing to the extreme then allowing a turnaround, which is what he did with North Korea. Update: Hermes' Nusseibeh says 'it's time to look to the next phase' as Federated Inv...

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