Morningstar announces replacement as CEO Mansueto steps down

Kunal Kapoor to take on role

Daniel Flynn
clock • 1 min read

Morningstar global chief executive Joe Mansueto has stepped down from his role to be replaced by the company's president Kunal Kapoor.

From 1 January 2017, Mansueto (pictured) will serve as the company's executive chairman and will also remain chairman of the board. Kapoor joined Morningstar as a data analyst in 1997 and, following a number of senior positions, has been president of the company since October 2015. He is currently responsible for product development and innovation, sales and marketing, and driving execution and accountability across the company. Morningstar UK CEO: 'Why we have to capitalise on big trends like the rise of passives' In his new role he will also replace managing director Don Phill...

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