Octopus raises record £100m for Titan VCT

Sector raises largest amount since 2006

Jayna Rana
clock • 2 min read

Octopus Investments has announced its Titan VCT has raised a record £100m following growth in investor demand within the sector.

This is the largest fundraise for the Octopus Titan VCT since its inception in 2007, which is the UK's largest venture capital trust with assets over £260m. During the latest fundraise 67% of investors were new to the vehicle, which the group said demonstrates a surge in interest from a wider group of people, while 70% were investing through a financial advisor. The vehicle focuses on backing dynamic young companies with the potential to "build the businesses of tomorrow". It has previously invested in such stocks as Zoopla, Secret Escapes and most recently, SwiftKey, which was sold t...

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