SLI's Nimmo: My six rules for making money from small caps

Nimmo's trust top of sector over decade

Jayna Rana

Harry Nimmo, manager of the £255m Standard Life UK Smaller Companies trust, shares his top tips for picking winners and avoiding losers in the sector.

Over the past decade to 30 September 2015, the Standard Life UK Smaller Companies trust has topped its sector, up 484.1%. Nimmo also runs the £1.2bn open-ended SLI UK Smaller Companies fund. Here, the manager (pictured) shares the six rules which have helped guide his decision-making and boost returns over the period. Look for sustainable dividend growth "Strong dividend growth equals strong earnings growth. Small companies grow quicker than large companies and so provide better returns. I have no reason to believe that will change in the future. "Over the last five years, divide...

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