Rothschild hires sales head Blair to rejuvenate UK asset management brand

Group plans to bring over Paris-run strategies

Natalie Kenway

Rothschild Group has recruited former Mirabaud sales and marketing director Andrew Blair to bolster its presence in the UK asset management space once again.

Blair (pictured) joined in early August as head of UK sales for the group’s asset management divisions. He is currently assessing which of its strategies to launch in the UK, including funds run by the Paris-based team. The range includes equity, fixed income, diversified and multi-manager products, and funds such as Conviction Europe, Conviction France, Conviction USA and MidCap Euro. Rothschild also has a risk-rated smart beta range, Risk Based Investment Solutions (RBIS), which Blair will promote. Blair said: "I have been involved in UK fund distribution for 15 years and I am de...

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