Ruffer co-founder to chair Seaton's GVQ IM

Natalie Kenway

Jane Tufnell, the co-founder of Ruffer Investment Management, has been appointed to the board of specialist fund manager GVQ Investment Management.

Tufnell (pictured) founded Ruffer in 1994 and worked at the helm of the firm before stepping down last year. She will now join GVQ as non-executive chairman. The move follows on from the firm's acquisition by RIT Capital Partners at the start of 2015. Tufnell is also independent non-executive director of the Diverse Income Trust and of the JP Morgan Claverhouse investment trust. GVQ has been through a number of overhauls in recent years, ownership transfers having seen it gone through a series of name changes. The business was known as SVG Investment Managers until 2013, when it...

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