Anti-bailout Syriza triumphs in Greek elections to reignite euro crisis fears


Left-wing anti-austerity party Syriza has secured a commanding election victory in Greece overnight, setting the scene for a stand-off between the country and its creditors.

With almost 99.8% of votes counted, Alexis Tsipras’ party had accrued 36.3% of the vote, well ahead of ruling centre-right party New Democracy’s 27.8%, giving Syriza a projected 149 seats in the Greek parliament. The figure is two short of an overall majority, and many believe Tsipras - who wants to write off half the country's debt yet keep it in the euro - will moderate his demands once in power. However, initial reports suggest Syriza may form a coalition government with the hardline-eurosceptic ANEL (Independent Greeks) party, raising early concerns over the country’s future relat...

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