Chatfeild-Roberts: China slowdown could mean more QE for the West


A slowing China could force US and UK central banks into a further easing of policy this year, even as investors prepare themselves for an end to QE, according to Jupiter CIO John Chatfeild-Roberts.

In his 2014 outlook, the head of Jupiter's Merlin multi-manager team, in charge of over £9bn in assets, said China's switch towards a more domestically-orientated growth story is placing deflationary pressure on the global economy. That, in turn, is contributing to the subdued levels of inflation seen in the US and UK, a trend which Chatfeild-Roberts (pictured) said may lead central banks to employ looser monetary policies well into 2014. "As the rate of [China's] commodity consumption wanes, industrial commodity prices could fall. This would once more lower price pressures in the dev...

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